
Build IT 2021 Live

Why Should You Attend?

After an extremely successful inaugural event with more than 400 attendees, Build IT 2021 will continue to focus on its winning formula—providing educational content specifically designed for MSPs. Unique in the channel, Build IT provides MSPs the opportunity to learn from true educators in a structured format, with focused workshops that provide templates and tools that MSPs can deploy in their businesses the day they return to the office.

What’s Different About Build IT?

We bring sponsors and educators together to create a true sphere of influence by embracing the ITBD mantra of “Sharing is Caring.” We’ve done that by building out content, tools and templates we gift to every MSP attendee in soft copy format. You take those resources back and deploy them in your businesses immediately. Every session is focused on a specific template/tool paired with guidance from a subject matter expert on how the tool works, its value to MSPs and steps for integrating it into existing business models.

44 Breakout Sessions, 0 Product Pitches


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