Embracing Culture and Lifelong Learning at IT By Design

Embracing Culture and Lifelong Learning at IT By Design

In the latest episode of the "Culture and Career Corner" podcast, hosted by IT By Design CEO Sunny Kaila, were…

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People, Purpose and Growth - Inside IT By Design's Culture

People, Purpose and Growth: Inside IT By Design’s Culture

The latest episode of the "Culture and Career Corner" podcast, hosted by Sunny Kaila, CEO of IT By Design, offered…

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Journey to Professional Success with ITBD Leaders

Journey to Professional Success with ITBD Leaders

Welcome to this week’s “Culture and Career Corner” podcast where we dive deep into the professional success and trajectory of…

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Leadership Lessons - A Journey of Culture, Growth, and Community

Leadership Lessons – A Journey of Culture, Growth, and Community

Welcome to a new episode of our "Culture and Career Corner" podcast. This week, we are celebrating the transformative stories…

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A Strong Culture Leads to a Successful Career Journey

A Strong Culture Leads to a Successful Career Journey

How does a culture of growth lead to a successful career journey? Find out in this episode! Welcome to another…

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Escape the Matrix with Neo – ITBD’s Culture & Career Corner Podcast

Escape the Matrix with Nitin “Neo” Singh

Nitin “Neo” Singh has spent over 21 years in the IT industry, but his experience with IT By Design has…

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Power of Storytelling with Tom Zanca - Culture and Career Podcast

The Compelling Power of Storytelling with Tom Zanca

From a stutterer to a world-class storyteller, Tom Zanca has mastered the art of overcoming obstacles. As our Editorial Director,…

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Becoming Invaluable at Work | 6 Hacks to Fast-track Your Success

Even in today’s economy, there are plentiful opportunities for professionals with top-notch tech skills and a strong value system. But…

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